Sunday 29 December 2019

Set Your New year resolution

Changing Is only thing does not change

So we all must change and update our self at new year
If you don't have any new year goals  & resolutions, Your life will worst at last year

So Take your pen list your Goals & Resolutions
Divide four headings & list Your Resolutions like this 👇
Start -What should You want to start
Stop -What should You Want to Stop
Achieved -What you Want to Achieve in this Year
Buy things - List What you Want to buy within 2020


Spend Time For Thinking Your New Year Goals & Resolutions

What will I should improve on those categories in this year
Think about it and make the list
Your resolution is lead to the way of  Your Goals

Buy a New Note for 2021, Write this New year Resolution on the First page
Everyday Check Your New year goals, Before you wrote the To-do list.

Small actions will helps to leads your Big Goals
This year will be one of the best year in your life.
Be happy and Spread happy, It's all return to you.
Every New year We get New Opportunities & A Fresh New Life...

Wish You A Happy New Year

Thank you

                                                    Article by: Raja Karthikeyan

Wednesday 25 December 2019

Personal Diary Writing

Our History Tells us How we live.

Start Write Your Personal Diary
You Can't remember all good things happens in Your Past life.
So You must start writing personal diary.

I Started Writing Diary 2 years before.
Sometimes I revised the diary in free time
I goto past moments ,Once again I live on that moment.

If You read Your old dairy With your Family & Friends Sometimes Its makes lots Of fun
& also Its Heals our Heart.

Within Few Days The New year will start this is the correct time For start writing a diary
Yesterday I bought my Diary, So get Once for Yours 👉2020 Personal Diary

Write Personal Diary

If You fight & don't talk now with someone.
Your diary tells how You both are live happily in the past moments,
Its reduce Your angry& its also join Your Friend or Someone with You.

You forgot any important dates in your past you just simply open your diary its remember to you the correct date

Suppose In future You become World famous Successful person,The world want to know your life history,That time the diaries will helps writing for your own biography.

Who Knows One day you will become World Class Successful Person

Thank You

Monday 23 December 2019


You start meditate Habit in your life; You add More Happiness in your life.

Good things hard to form, Bad things hard to relief.

If You don't feel the happy in your life, I will assure you don't do meditation in your life.

Last Two Years I Doing Meditation
Its transform to uplift my life in multiple ways
I say While Your meditation Time Is your life creation time
Whatever think while your meditating is creative process on your own reality

Results of Meditation

It's add First Your inner happiness.Wherever You go you feel happy within yourself
You start admire how beauty the natures are ,even you don't notice before
You don't get angry & upset too fast.

Its helps you Make decision Fast, Getting Focus on what you want.
You think useless thought Your Brain Intimate you 'Hey this is waste of time,think about what u want".

Believe me Its also add You looks so Cool, Charm & Beauty.
At First You don't see the result Immediately,
I only see the result of meditation after three months when I started

Okay Let's see

How do the Meditation in simple Way

Morning & before goto Bed is the Best time for Meditate
Goto sit & calm Place like this

Close Your Eyes ,Focus on your Breath Inhale & out hale.
While you're breathing Makes slow your Breath & also take deep breath
Start with 5 minutes at starting stage Then up to 10-15 mins

Imagine Who you want to become & which lifestyle want to you live
At starting I so excited how some people 1 hour & more doing the meditation
But Now I normally Do Meditation more than half-an hour And weekends I do 1 hour more

I will Recommend you to read The Book The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.

Three months before I read this book;Its strategies work for my life.
But I will adjust some habits basic upon my lifestyle.

Meditation will help for find your inner power. DO IT EVERYDAY,Your life will change.

Thank You

Our Best Gift in Life

A man who has family, He's has Everything.


The Family is the place where all are do lots of sacrifices for ourselves.
Family is the best gift in our life...

If You can Make your Family Happy; wherever you go, you will become Happy.

Most of the times we are all forget our parents, how much sacrifice they did for us.

You know
"Our Mom Knows, how many shirts & pants with colors we have"
But we Don't know Our Parents clothes Details.

Especially our generation spends lots of times on their system & phones.

Don't think we don't have time.
We all have the time for most important thing to us, So make the priority.
Make Time To speak with your spouse, children & parents.
While Talking to your Family Makes Happy & Smile .
Don't Blame Your Problems for being not happy.

Problems Always Come & goes in our life.
But Family, Whatever happens, They all are stay with us.
Anyone can't Come & help You but Family comes first.
So put Your priority Families First
Spend time with your Wife, Parents & Children's

Make Memorable Moments With Your Family,We Can't birth again with this family
Our duty in this life is experience the happiness while wherever we journey
Go At least 1 family trip every year to somewhere its affordable for you.

Make some fun,Dance with Your Family.
Be crazy In Your Family circle.
If  You just do it. Its,  All Return to you.
Be Happy With Your Family

Be a Hero Outside of  Your Home. But Be a Comedian inside your Family.

Thank You for reading this article.

Saturday 21 December 2019

My Law Of Attraction (secret) Experience

Hi, Welcome to Learn to Lead

I Watched the Film name called Secret by Rhonda Byrne at 2018 on Youtube
After watching the film I wonder to checkout this concept whether working for me or not

Here,s The Story About How achieve my long time wish to happen via Law Of attraction,  

Lets start...

My Mom goto Office everyday🚴 on bicycle,Since 2000.
Now she's getting old and unable to ride a bicycle due to leg pain
So, We planned for buying a scooty for my mom for last two years.

Every time we plan and try to save some money for buy scooty, some unexpected expenses coming
and crash the scooty budget. So we can't buy scooty for last two years.

In this movie they said about the vision board.
Whatever we want to achieve in our life, make your own vision board, so you can easily attained that.
and its attracts towards you, So I try that.

Setting up My Vision Board -2018 :

   I Make A Vision Board For which Scooty I Want to Buy (Honda Activa 5g Yellow color)...

 Also I wish to buy laptop, so I added that in my board

Gratitude :

As per told on the movie

Feeling is the important thing to attract , whatever we want 
So I started Practicing express Gratitude towards Universe daily.

Every Morning and night, I Visualizing how I enjoy after getting the scooty,
think about what are the activities that I do , If I have the scooty.

After a visulization I started feel, I Already have the scooty.
So Everyday I thanks To the Universe for giving me the scooty.
I act think and feel I already have a scooty, this is what I believe

Sound Stupid right , But I try like the movie said....

My Grand Mother Is our Family Decision authority since my childhood.
She's taking care of my Sister Marriage most of the expenses from her savings.

So,Every time I asked Money For Buying Scooty to her, She Not ready to Giving the money.
Also there is some lack of funds at that time with her.

Days are Past, But Nothing Happens. Money will Not come. 
She also not ready to give amount for scooty down payment.

Finally It happens: 

 But, I strongly Believe Definitely, I achieved The scooty.

I add the new Routine Before goto bed.
I  Kiss The vision board Paper Image on the scooty Headlight two days Continuously.
While I kissing I Imagine and feel to kiss the real headlight of my scooty.

You know what happens on the third day , Morning
 My Grand Ma call me and said...
 "I will Give The Money for down payment , so go & buy the scooty". 

The Miracle is Last two years we try to convince to give the money,
But she Doesn't gave.But That day she Gave The Money Without anyone asking.
The last time I asked her money for scooty for a month ago.

After that, I goto showroom & Buy this scooty.

The Third Day Night I kiss The Real Scooty On my Home,That time My eyes fill up with tears.

       Law Of Attraction Works in My Life 

I set the vision board 21.Aug.2019 & buy at 11.Sep.2019 
Within 21 days I achieved the scooty
Im so Excited How this is happen.
If u really believe in universe, then universe will appear in front of you.

Now I Enjoy With My scooty.
Picture of I'm ready to Go Pichavaram for one day trip

No matter what,universe will ready to help you.
You can easily access them.
Its works me,So Its also works For you

Congratulations,Start Live your Dream Like me.
Follow More Real Inspirational News.

If you have any Doubts & Queries pls comment

Secret Book Link Below👇


Friday 20 December 2019

Books to Become Rich

This are the best life changing books,in my life.So its will Definitely Change your life also ,
Let's Start...

1. Secret by Rhonda Byrne

This is My Most Favorite Book ,One of My best life Changing Books.
It's Teach About how will achieve Anything we want in our life like Health, Wealth & Even Relationships.

It's Gives Some Techniques How to Attract the life we want,Steps by Step will clear Definitions Definitely Upgrade Your Joy fullness & Lifestyle.

I strongly Recommend Still You Not Read this book ,Read it Now.
I will Assure you ,This book will change your life

This Book Also Come in Video Format ,Goto YouTube Type Secret Movie,Then You will Find out The Worlds Best Secret

2.Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Today's world, Money is No 1 thing Whatever we want. So This is the best personal finance book clear about why Poor become poor ,Rich become Rich ,How Earn Money More,How Reduce Paying the Taxes & Difference between assets & liability.

Once You Finish This Book You Become Financial Mastery Of your Own life,And This Will Help You Become More  Prosperous More Wealth & More Freedom .So Read Must If You Want to Become Rich. 

3.Think And Grow Rich By Napoleon Hil

This Book About How Attract the Money ,How to Start live the Rich Life Even When You Poor.This Insights How Set The Mindset To Achieve More Wealth.

One Of The Best Books Achieving More Wealth, This Inner Message is Having Burning Desire To Achieving More Wealth is the Key for Becoming Rich

While You Attract the Money,Using Imagination Affirmations & self Belief Leads To You More Success & More Wealth.This Books Makes Lots Of Millionaires In last Two Decades.

Congratulations Today You See The Good In formations to Update Your Life.
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How to Wake up Early

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