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In this Article, I share About... How to stop the habits that we don't like
Over a phase,We are all want to stop some bad habits that we have.
Even we try to stop that we fail,
So Again we started doing the activities that we don't like.
But how is that possible to stop bad habits?
Your Action leads to habits,
Your Habits leads to success.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Doing bad things makes drain our energy, also reduce our self confidence.
Let's see how we can stop this bad habits...
First, you have to believe you can stop the bad habit.
Second, you will definitely change your thinking patterns from bad habits to good habits.
It's all start about how you think.
If you change your thinking it's makes changes in your habits,
Focus on your thinking to what you want to achieve in your life.
While we try to quit our bad habits, in the beginning it's feels like hard to stop the habit permanently.
when we feel demotivated and tired we do the same bad habits again.
But always think like you already overcome the bad habit in your life.
There is no place for the bad habit in your life never again.
This type of thinking will give the confidence to over come the bad habit easily
I personally use this tactic recently for quite some of life time bad habits
So the solution is, we must replace the bad habits into a new good habits.
Make list of your bad habits
On the other side you should write on the good habits
Take action on the good habits regularly and give reward yourself for doing that continously.
like go and eat on your favourite restaurant. Go outing to your favourite places
whenver your thought hit your bad habit activities, you must to replace that thought you have more power than thought ,and you have to divert your thought to feel energized & motivated.
Everyone have the brain power,
Everyone have the energy,
But Develop the habits for success.
- Warren Buffet